
Enhance Your Cycling Performance with these 9 Exercises

Written by Team Measureds | Sep 23, 2023 5:12:22 PM

Are you tired of feeling like a slug on wheels every time you hit the road on your bike? It's time to step up your cycling game and take your performance to new heights. The secret lies in incorporating a well-rounded exercise routine that goes beyond simply riding your bike.

Whether you're a seasoned cyclist or just starting out, these nine exercises will help you enhance your cycling performance, boost your endurance, and build the strength you need to conquer any road or trail that comes your way. So, grab your helmet and let's dive into this fitness adventure!

Why focus on exercises for cycling?

The benefits of focusing on exercises for cycling are significant. Through targeted exercises, you can improve your cardiovascular endurance, increase your leg strength and power, enhance your flexibility and balance, and develop a strong core for better stability on the bike. By incorporating exercises into your training routine, you can pedal faster, climb hills with greater ease, and reduce the risk of injuries.

Benefits of incorporating exercises into your training routine

Incorporating exercises into your training routine can greatly enhance your cycling performance. Regular physical activity not only strengthens your muscles but also improves your cardiovascular endurance, allowing you to ride longer and with more power. By engaging in strength training exercises like squats, lunges, and planks, you can build the necessary leg and core strength required for efficient pedaling and better stability on the bike.

Flexibility and balance exercises, such as yoga and Pilates, help prevent injuries and improve body control while cycling. A well-rounded training routine that includes cardio, strength, flexibility, and core exercises will ultimately lead to improved cycling performance and a more enjoyable riding experience.

Cardiovascular Endurance Exercises for Cycling

Interval Training

Interval training is a highly effective exercise for improving cycling performance. It involves alternating intense bursts of effort with periods of rest or lower intensity. This type of training helps to increase your cardiovascular endurance and power output.

For example, you can try a Tabata interval workout, where you cycle as hard as you can for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds, and repeat this cycle for several rounds. This not only simulates the demands of high-intensity cycling but also improves your body's ability to recover quickly. Make sure to incorporate interval training into your cycling routine regularly to see significant improvements in your performance.

Benefits of interval training

  • Interval training is a highly effective exercise method for cyclists.
  • By alternating between intense bursts of effort and periods of active recovery, it improves cardiovascular fitness and endurance.
  • This type of training mimics the demands of cycling races or challenging terrains.
  • Interval training increases your lactate threshold, enabling you to sustain a higher intensity for longer periods.
  • It enhances your body's ability to utilize oxygen efficiently, resulting in improved performance.
  • Regular interval training sessions can lead to faster times, increased power output, and better overall cycling performance.
  • Examples of interval workouts include sprinting for 30 seconds followed by one minute of moderate cycling, repeated for several sets.
  • Incorporating interval training into your cycling routine can maximize your training time and bring noticeable improvements.

Sample interval training workout

A sample interval training workout for cycling involves alternating between high-intensity bursts and recovery periods. Start with a warm-up of 5-10 minutes at a moderate pace. Then, perform 6-8 cycles of 1-2 minutes of intense pedaling followed by 2-3 minutes of easy, relaxed pedaling. Push yourself during the intense intervals, aiming for around 80-90% of your maximum effort. The recovery periods allow your heart rate to lower before the next burst.

This type of training improves cardiovascular fitness, builds endurance, and simulates the demands of cycling races or challenging terrains. Remember to cool down with a gentle ride and stretch afterward.

Strength and Power Exercises for Cycling


Squats are highly beneficial exercises for cycling. They help strengthen the leg muscles, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, which are essential for generating power and maintaining stability on the bike. Squats also improve overall lower body strength, endurance, and muscular balance, reducing the risk of injuries. To maximize the benefits of squats for cycling, focus on proper form and technique:

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointing slightly outward.
  • Keep the chest up and core engaged throughout the movement.
  • Lower down by bending the knees and hips, as if sitting back into a chair.
  • Aim to bring the thighs parallel to the ground, while keeping the knees aligned with the toes.
  • Push through the heels to return to the starting position.

Incorporating squats into your training routine will contribute to enhanced cycling performance.

Proper form and technique

Proper form and technique are crucial for effective cycling exercises. Maintaining a neutral spine and engaging your core muscles helps to maximize power transfer and prevent injuries. When performing squats, ensure your knees stay aligned with your toes and your weight is on your heels. During lunges, keep your front knee in line with your ankle and your back knee close to the ground. For planks, maintain a straight line from your head to your heels, avoiding sagging or raising your hips.

Mastering these basic techniques will enhance your cycling performance and reduce the risk of strain or imbalances.

Benefits of squats for cycling

Squats are highly beneficial for cycling. By targeting the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings, squats help improve leg strength and power. This translates into more efficient pedal strokes and increased speed on the bike. Stronger leg muscles also aid in climbing hills, as well as sprinting during races or group rides.

Additionally, squats engage the core muscles, promoting stability and balance while cycling. Incorporating squats into your training routine can lead to better overall performance and reduced risk of injuries. To maximize the benefits, focus on proper form and gradually increase the weight or difficulty level.


Lunges are effective exercises for cycling as they target the muscles crucial for powering your pedal strokes. They engage the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings, improving leg strength and stability. To perform lunges, step forward with one leg, lowering your body until both knees are at a 90-degree angle. Push through your front heel to return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg. Variations like walking lunges or side lunges can add variety to your routine.

Incorporating lunges into your training helps build the necessary leg strength and endurance for better cycling performance.

Types of lunges for cycling

When it comes to lunges for cycling, there are various types that can benefit your performance. One popular variation is the forward lunge, where you step forward with one leg and lower your body until both knees are at 90-degree angles. Another option is the walking lunge, where you take steps while performing lunges, simulating the motion of pedaling. Side lunges, on the other hand, target your inner and outer thighs, helping to improve stability and balance on the bike.

Adding these different types of lunges to your exercise routine can strengthen your leg muscles and enhance your cycling power.

Muscles targeted and benefits

Muscles targeted during cycling exercises include the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, glutes, and core muscles. Strengthening these muscle groups can lead to improved power output, better endurance, and increased pedal efficiency.

For example, squats primarily target the quadriceps and glutes, which are responsible for generating power in each pedal stroke. Lunges engage the quads and hamstrings while also improving hip stability. Planks, on the other hand, focus on core strength, which is crucial for maintaining stability and preventing fatigue during long rides. Incorporating these exercises into your training routine will help you optimize your cycling performance and reduce the risk of injuries.


Planks are a fantastic exercise for cyclists as they primarily target the core muscles, including the abdominals, lower back, and hips. By engaging these muscles, planks enhance stability and improve overall biking efficiency. Various plank variations, such as forearm planks or side planks, can be incorporated into your routine to target specific muscle groups and prevent muscle imbalances.

Aim to hold a plank for at least 30 seconds to start, gradually increasing the duration as your core strength improves. Remember to maintain proper form by keeping your body in a straight line from head to toe.

Different plank variations for cyclists

Different plank variations can be beneficial for cyclists looking to improve their core strength and stability. Side planks, for example, target the obliques and help with lateral stability while riding. Another variation is the forearm plank, which engages the entire core including the abs and lower back. Adding in a leg lift during the plank can also challenge the hip flexors and glutes, which are important muscles for cycling.

By incorporating a variety of plank exercises into your training routine, you can enhance your overall cycling performance and decrease the risk of injuries.

Core strength and stability benefits

Core strength and stability are vital for cyclists as they provide a solid foundation for efficient and powerful pedaling. A strong core helps maintain proper posture, reducing the risk of back pain and improving overall stability on the bike. It allows for better transfer of power from the upper to lower body, resulting in more effective pedal strokes. Engaging the core during climbs and sprints can also enhance balance and control, helping you navigate challenging terrains with ease.

Incorporate exercises like bicycle crunches and Russian twists into your training routine to strengthen your core and improve your cycling performance.


Deadlifts are highly beneficial exercises for cycling. They engage multiple muscle groups, including the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back, which are vital for generating power and enhancing pedal strokes. By strengthening these areas, cyclists can improve their overall performance and endurance on the bike. When performing deadlifts, focus on maintaining proper form and technique to prevent injuries. Start with lighter weights and gradually increase resistance as you build strength.

Incorporating deadlifts into your training routine 2-3 times a week can help develop the necessary lower body strength required for cycling efficiently and reducing the risk of muscle imbalances.

Proper deadlift technique for cyclists

Proper deadlift technique is crucial for cyclists to prevent injuries and maximize performance gains. Begin by standing with your feet hip-width apart and the barbell close to your shins. Bend your knees and hinge at your hips, maintaining a neutral spine. Grip the bar just outside your legs and brace your core. Engage your glutes and drive through your legs to lift the bar, keeping it close to your body. Avoid rounding your back or locking your knees at the top.

Practice with lighter weights first and gradually increase as your form improves.

Benefits for leg and back strength

One of the notable benefits of incorporating exercises for cycling into your training routine is the improvement in leg and back strength. Strengthening these muscle groups contributes to better power transfer and pedal efficiency while cycling. Strong leg muscles, such as quadriceps and hamstrings, provide the necessary force to pedal effectively, resulting in enhanced performance and speed.

Additionally, a strong back helps maintain proper posture, reducing the risk of lower back pain during long rides. Exercises like deadlifts and squats target these areas, aiding in building leg and back strength for improved cycling capabilities.

Flexibility and Balance Exercises for Cycling

Yoga and Pilates

Yoga and Pilates are excellent exercises for cycling. These practices focus on enhancing flexibility, balance, and core strength. Yoga poses like downward dog and warrior pose improve lower body flexibility and promote better pedal strokes. Pilates exercises like the hundred and the plank strengthen the core muscles essential for stability and power transfer while cycling.

By incorporating regular yoga and Pilates sessions into your training routine, you can improve your overall performance and prevent injuries. There are many online tutorials and classes available that offer specific poses and exercises tailored for cyclists.

Specific poses and exercises for cyclists

To enhance your cycling performance, incorporating specific poses and exercises tailored for cyclists can be highly beneficial. Some examples include:

  • Pigeon Pose: Opens up hip flexors and improves flexibility, addressing common tightness in cyclists.
  • Bridge Pose: Strengthens glutes and lower back muscles, contributing to power and stability during rides.
  • High Plank: Builds core strength and stability, essential for maintaining proper cycling posture and preventing lower back pain.
  • Standing Forward Fold: Stretches hamstrings and calves, promoting better leg extension and pedal efficiency.
  • Single Leg Balance: Enhances balance and stability, improving bike handling skills and overall control.

By regularly practicing these poses and exercises, you can optimize your body's alignment, increase flexibility, and develop the necessary strength and stability for a more efficient and enjoyable cycling experience.

Improving flexibility and balance for better performance

Improving flexibility and balance is crucial for maximizing cycling performance. Flexible muscles and joints allow for greater freedom of movement while riding, reducing the risk of injury and improving efficiency. Incorporating activities like yoga or pilates into your training routine can help improve both flexibility and balance. Poses that target the hamstrings, hips, and lower back are particularly beneficial for cyclists.

Additionally, exercises that challenge stability, such as single-leg balances or stability ball work, can enhance your ability to maintain control on the bike. By focusing on flexibility and balance, you can optimize your body's alignment and positioning, resulting in smoother and more powerful pedal strokes.

Calf Raises

Calf raises are highly effective exercises for cycling. They target the calf muscles, which play a significant role in pedal efficiency and power transfer. Performing calf raises strengthens the calf muscles and improves their endurance, allowing you to generate more force with each pedal stroke. To do calf raises, stand on a raised surface with the balls of your feet, then slowly raise your heels as high as possible, and lower them back down. Repeat for several sets.

This exercise can help prevent calf fatigue and injuries, ultimately enhancing your cycling performance.

Correct execution and variations

Correct execution and variations of exercises for cycling are important for maximizing their benefits. When performing squats, focus on maintaining proper form by keeping your knees aligned with your toes and lowering yourself until your thighs are parallel to the ground. To add variation, try single-leg squats or Bulgarian squats to target different muscle groups. Lunges should be performed with a long stride, ensuring your front knee stays above your ankle.

For added challenges, consider incorporating walking lunges or lateral lunges. Remember, executing these exercises with the correct technique will help improve your strength and power on the bike.

Benefits for pedal efficiency and preventing injuries

Strong calf muscles are vital for pedal efficiency and injury prevention in cycling. When your calf muscles are well-developed and flexible, they can effectively transfer power from your legs to the pedals, resulting in smoother and more efficient pedaling strokes. This not only helps you generate more power but also reduces fatigue during long rides.

Additionally, strong calves can help stabilize your ankles and protect against common overuse injuries like Achilles tendinitis. Exercises like calf raises, both on the ground and on a step, can target and strengthen these muscles, improving your overall cycling performance and reducing the risk of calf-related discomfort or injuries.

Core Strength and Stability Exercises for Cycling

Bicycle Crunches

Bicycle crunches are a great exercise for cyclists to strengthen their core muscles. This exercise targets the rectus abdominis and oblique muscles, improving stability and power transfer while pedaling. To perform bicycle crunches, lie on your back, lift your shoulder blades off the floor, and bring your right elbow to your left knee while extending your right leg. Repeat on the other side. Aim for controlled and smooth movements, focusing on engaging your core throughout.

Incorporating bicycle crunches into your training routine can enhance your overall cycling performance and help prevent lower back discomfort.

Steps to perform bicycle crunches correctly

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your hands lightly touching the sides of your head.
  2. Lift your feet off the ground, keeping your knees bent at a 90-degree angle, and bring your left knee towards your right elbow.
  3. Simultaneously twist your upper body, bringing your right elbow towards your left knee.
  4. Repeat the motion on the other side, alternating between left and right.
  5. Focus on engaging your core muscles throughout the movement.
  6. Breathe steadily and avoid pulling on your neck or using momentum to complete the crunches.
  7. Aim for controlled and controlled movements, rather than rushing through the exercise.
  8. Start with a few repetitions and gradually increase as your strength improves.

Remember, proper form is crucial to maximize the benefits of bicycle crunches and prevent injury.

Importance of strong core for cycling

A strong core is vital for cycling performance. It improves stability and balance on the bike, allowing you to generate more power with each pedal stroke. A solid core helps maintain proper form and reduces the risk of injuries, especially during long rides or sprints. With a strong core, you'll ride more efficiently and with less fatigue, enabling you to go further and faster.

Incorporate exercises like bicycle crunches and Russian twists into your training routine to target your core muscles directly. Strengthening your core will enhance your overall cycling experience and contribute to better results on the road.

Russian Twists

Russian Twists: Strengthen Your Core for Improved Torso Rotation

Russian twists are an effective core exercise for cyclists looking to enhance their torso rotation. This exercise targets the obliques, lower back, and abdominal muscles, improving stability and power transfer during pedaling.

To perform Russian twists, sit on the ground with your knees bent, lean slightly back, and lift your feet off the floor. Hold your hands together or use a weight for added resistance. Rotate your torso from side to side, touching the ground with your hands on each side.

Regularly incorporating Russian twists into your training routine can improve your ability to generate power, maintain proper cycling posture, and prevent lower back pain. Aim for 2-3 sets of 12-15 repetitions, gradually increasing intensity as your core strength improves.

Proper technique and variations

Proper technique and variations play a significant role in maximizing the benefits of exercise for cycling. When performing exercises like squats, lunges, and deadlifts, maintaining proper form is crucial to target the specific muscles involved and prevent injuries.

For example, when doing squats, ensure your knees are aligned with your toes and your back remains straight throughout the movement.

Additionally, incorporating variations such as single-leg squats or Bulgarian split squats can further challenge your muscles and improve balance and stability. Remember, focusing on technique and exploring different variations can enhance the effectiveness of your cycling exercises.

Benefits for improved torso rotation

Improving torso rotation is crucial for cyclists as it enhances their cycling performance. By developing a strong and flexible core through exercises like Russian twists, cyclists can achieve better rotation during each pedal stroke. This allows for a more efficient transfer of power from the upper body to the lower body, resulting in increased speed and reduced strain on the legs.

Better torso rotation also aids in maintaining stability and balance while navigating tight turns or difficult terrains. Incorporating exercises that target the core and promote rotation into your training routine can lead to significant improvements in overall cycling performance.


To boost your cycling performance, there are 9 exercises that can be extremely helpful. These exercises focus on key areas such as leg strength, core stability, and overall endurance. By targeting and training these specific muscle groups, you can improve your speed, power, and stamina on the bike. From squats and lunges to planks and Russian twists, these exercises provide a comprehensive workout that complements your cycling training.

Incorporating these exercises into your fitness routine will not only enhance your cycling performance but also help prevent injuries and promote overall fitness.